
by 라이나생명



Log in more easily with simple password and biometric authentication (fingerprint, FACE ID), from simple customer registration to easy design and customer management!You can check product/customer needs information useful for sales, check my performance, care membership points, and event news more quickly and conveniently.Install "Linea G" and experience more convenient and diverse services than the existing mobile web.✦ Main features of Linea G 1. Sales materials - From essential product guide materials, popular customer needs materials to educational videos! 2. Customer registration - Without fax, prior consent registration and customer registration at once! 3. Subscription design - Easily check insurance premiums and compare popular plans! 4. Inquiry about subscription information - Easily check the status of issuance of subscription documents, screening, and Happy Call! 5. Customer/Contract Management - My customers basic information, design/subscription, holding contract, and billing history at a glance! 6. Lina News - Easily view various announcements and event news! 7. Care membership✦ Do you have any problems installing and accessing the app? - If you have any difficulties installing the app or have any questions about connection errors, please contact the GA dedicated IT help desk (02.3781.2006).